About Me

  • Hi! Welcome to my blog! I try to put updated stuff as soon as I can! BMS is da best! Well, thats a brief intro about myself! Enjoy!!!! :)

Monday, February 16, 2015

Update About My Life These Days

  I'm kinda very late, but HAPPY 2015 and Valentine's Day! 
  I am sorry that I have not posted for a long, long time. I had a bunch of schoolwork and had a violin recital to prepare for in January, as well as several concerts I was in.
  Anyhow, I just got four teeth pulled out today, but I was put asleep (a.k.a. IV sedation). It wasn't painful; there was just blood... :/ Next week, I'm getting braces... :/
  So, I wanted to see how much my opinions have changed over the last couple months, so here we go with the "favorites" stuff!
Favorite Candy: SMARTIES and Icebreakers
Favorite Color: This shade of blue (still the same)
Favorite Computer Game: Hmm... Probably Roblox, Minecraft, and AJ for now.... Don't judge me!
Favorite Drink: One of the edible drinks at CFC (THIS IS NEVER GONNA CHANGE)
Favorite Food: SUSHI 
Favorite Fruit: Hmmm.... I'd say maybe blueberries, mangoes, and this Taiwan fruit I-don't-know-the-name -of are tied
Favorite Holiday: I actually don't have one right now...
Favorite Joke: All of the inside jokes I am part of..... :) )))
Favorite Movie: A couple of them are The Hobbit and LoTR movies and others... I like a lot of movies
Favorite Place to Visit: I hope I can go here someday– DUH IT'S MIDDLE EARTH!
Favorite President: I dunno...
Favorite Sports: Volleyball, basketball, etc.
Favorite Subject in School:  Computers (maybe English?)
Favorite Trees: Trees that bear fruit (b/c they are awesome that way)
Favorite Vacation Place: Rivendell! It would be a dream come true to be able to visit Rivendell
Favorite Vegetable: Broccoli?
Favorite Video Game: I don't have one
Favorite Word: Hence
Favorite Book: I got too many of them
Favorite Book Series: THE MAZE RUNNER SERIES and The LoTR SERIES

So as you can see, some of my opinions have changed... 

If you want, send a friend request to my users on these games:

Roblox: Un1cornP
Minecraft: PTLovesMusic (I use UberMC the most...)
Animal Jam: hiddenmickey

Social Media:

Instagram (On private): p.urple.t.unicorn (I may only accept your request if I know who you are)
Snapchat: Un1cornP

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