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  • Hi! Welcome to my blog! I try to put updated stuff as soon as I can! BMS is da best! Well, thats a brief intro about myself! Enjoy!!!! :)

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

A Stretched Version of A Time to... and a Time to...

A Time to…                                                    And A Time to…

Paint                                                                   Erase
Dream                                                                Snore
Be Mafia                                                             Be a Cop
Sing                                                                    Play an Instrument
Play Violin                                                          Not Play Violin
Be ISA                                                               Be Normal (In a Bad Way :P)
Check your Email                                              Check Google+
Draw with Crayon on the Wall                           Draw with Crayon on the Wall During Timeout in       
                                                                           your Room
Be Somewhere Over the Fantastic,                  Be in a Chocolate Fountain
Crooked Rainbow where Bob the Tomato
Can’t find you…
See Snow on the Dome of the Rock                 Float in the Hot, summer Sun in the Dead Sea
Go to Work                                                         Have Vacation
Drive Home                                                       Walk Home
Sleep                                                                  Wake Up
Be Shy                                                               Be a Drama Queen/King
Brush Teeth                                                       Take a Shower/Bath
Start Preschool                                                  End College
Begin                                                                  End
Be at CFC                                                          Be at WCCC
Be the Most Creative                                         Be the Most Contemporary
Have the Biggest Nebraska                              Have the Best Idaho

Do Col(i)umn Addition                                       Do Oral Combinations
More Coming SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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