About Me

  • Hi! Welcome to my blog! I try to put updated stuff as soon as I can! BMS is da best! Well, thats a brief intro about myself! Enjoy!!!! :)

Sunday, February 7, 2016

New Blog...

Bonjour tout le mont!
I have decided to start fresh on a new blog, as I have not been posting much on this one. Schoolwork and such has been taking up much of my time, but I hope that I can start posting more on the new blog. 

May I present to you...


Yup! I am going to try to post a variety of things on the blog: stories I write, songs (I am attempting to take up songwriting as a hobby), music links and such, etc. Feel free to stop by my new blog, and I hope that I am able to get some more things posted!
-Priscilla Tam
(and Tryangle College)